More about Irene och contact

Irene is an experienced course leader and lecturer who in an natural way shares her knowledge of the woman´s and the man´s body, how you can make use of your sexual energy and increase your well-being. She has over 25 years of exploration, travel and learning in different countries, which has led to a unique combination of knowledge, experience and tools. She combines modern research with wisdom from different thought traditions that has an holistic view.

Irene is a multi-tasker and has for over 25 years worked with wellness and personal development in various forms and today she runs the compamy ProCreative AB.

Regnr: 556144-2525
BG: 379-4807
Swishnr: 123 144 7671
The company is a VAT register and has liability insurance.

mobil: +46 (0)739 48 39 43


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A little more about me
I have had fitness and alternative theraphies as a major interest since the early 90´s and have education and diplomas in Qigong, yoga, tantra, massage, body theraphy, Chi Nei Tsang, pelivc floor release, meditation, shamanic wisdom, Quodoushka, voice dialogue, experssive arts and varios personal development methods. Educated both in Sweden and abroad.

What I am most passionate about, however, is Qigong, which is so beneficial on many different levels and I have been practicing regularly since 1995. Part of the training included the Taoist sexual practice, which made it even more exciting. I am a certified Qigong instructor since 1998 and I teach diffrent forms, such as Wu Ji Gong, Xing Shen Zhuang, Universal Tao, Tao Yin and Tian Ti. I am also qualified to train teachers in Wu Ji Gong. My main teachers have been Anrew Fretwell, Wang Tin Jun, David Shen and Mantak Chia. Later, I further trained in Qigong with Yuan Tze and Lujan Matus.

Other sources of inspriration have been my time at various center in India, in Poona (Osho center) and in Richikesh (Shantmayi and Prembaba). Since 2002 I am part of Åsa Kullberg´s school of shamanic wisdom – the Sweet Medicine Sundanc Path, both as a praticipant and assistant, where leadership and life energy are at the center (I am a Pipe carrier and a Firechief & Dance chief for sweatlodge).

In recent years, I have delved into how our pelvic floor works and today I have a strong focus on pelvic floor awareness. Give both courses and treatments and I love it. It is so awarding to make this area awake.
My main insprirations have been Deborah Sundahl (authour of: Awakening the G-spot and Female Ejaculation) and the physiotheraphist Anne-Marie Kranendonk from Holland, with pelvic floor treatment as her speciality.

Over the years, I have also studied basic medicine, anatomy, nutrition, herbs and university studies in psychology, pedagogy, philosophy, practical Swedish, economic history and human ecology and I am a trained librarian. So the path has been motley, I have been both thirsty for knowledge and seeking, but the exploration of the human (and universal) consciousness has been the essential. Awareness, authenticity and supporting the healthy in us are the basis for growing.

See CV.

My Driving Force
My driving force is a strong will to learn and develop further as a human being and to take responsibility for what I know about myself and life. I see it as my job to inspire others to find that will and motivation inside themselves. We also need to find balance between the body and the soul, between the outsid and the inside, between activity and receptivity.
New knowledge opens doors in the mind, but then the knowledge must be tested and integrated to become real. It is crucial to grasp both the awareness and the extra energy required for sustanable change and and accountable action. My own exploration has constantly increased my curiosity and strengthened my desire to continue to grow and enhansed my wish to share. I see honesty, self-acceptance and a humility towards what life offers as fundamental. It is not what you do, but how you meet and handle different things that makes the difference. Security, trust and self-esteem are best medicine. True self-love is worth more than the words of any “holy” teachers.

Has worked under my own auspices since the mid 90´s with bodytreatments, voice dialogue, coaching and Qigong courses. Holds regularly lectures in sexual health, pelvic floor awareness and Taoist sexual practice. I have also been holding workshops or giving treatments at the Tantra fesival and the Sexisibility festival in Sweden. Was a co-teacher in Lin Holmkvist´s Tantra therapist training in Thailand 2018, tought 2 days of pelvic floor release. Have been assisting for several years at the shamaninc year program as well as on the Shamanic Re-capitulating Dearmouring with Åsa Kullberg. I am an apprentice on the Sweet Medicine Sundance path since 2002.

After teaching the Taoist exrcises for over 20 years, to cultivate the sexual energy, I am now holidng a teacher training in “Sexual Health with Tao” that started in 2020. Next will start in feb 2021, and is for you who want to contribute to more awarness and well-being and at the same time dive deep into yourself. You will learn theory, methods and how to teach the exercises in my books “Create Health with Your Sexual Energy”. One speciality with working with the Tao is to dive into the more subtle energies in the body, and to feel, know and guide Qi, and sexual energy, on the inside. Let me know if you are interested in this education in english. Contact:

And I am so happy to announse that my Swedish books on female and male sexuality finally are translated. You will be able to order from Amazon from ca middle september 2020. Titles: Create Health with Your Sexual Energy: The Tao Approach to Women´s Well-Being & The Tao Approach to Men´s Well-Being 

9 + 15 =

Contact me if you have any questions or are interested in a treatment or a course. Feel free to tell me a little bit about yourself about why you want treatment or prticipate in a course. 

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