Welcome to Pelvic Floor Awareness – The Source of both Power and Pleasure!

The mission is to increase people’s awareness of how important the pelvic floor is for our overall life experience. Often, the pelvic floor and its muscles are a misunderstood or forgotten area, perhaps associated with pain or simply embarrassment. “Just go home and do some Kegels,” they say, but how exactly does one do that? Are my muscles really too weak? Or are they rather too tense? How does one relax “down there”? And why does it matter?

Both men and women can experience tension or have a poor understanding of their pelvic floor and how it relates to sexual function and pleasure. Even the bladder, bowel, posture, and muscles in the legs, lumbar, and back are affected. With the right guidance, you can become more aware and receive tips on how to relax and strengthen your pelvic floor.

Behind Pelvic Floor Awareness is me, Irene Andersson. Over the years, I have helped many people by combining effective treatment and exercises for the pelvic floor with Taoist wisdom. Tao means “the way” and represents the philosophy behind the exercises in sexual qigong, which I teach. Qigong is the Chinese equivalent of yoga, consisting of exercises to enhance your health and life energy. Tao believes that the more present you can be in your body, the more power and well-being you can access.

Here, I offer training and treatments for the pelvic floor and courses in sexual health with Tao that yield results. I am primarily based in Stockholm, but periodically visit Uppsala and Gothenburg, and I also provide online services. Feel free to book a 15 min free consultation by phone or via zoom: info@bodycoach.nu.


The Tao Approach to Women´s Well-Being &
The Tao Approach to Men´s Well-Being

Buy the books on Amazon, Bokus, Kobi or often easier and cheeper on your conuntry´s best local online bookstore.
Print-on-Demand or E-book: PDF, Kindle or ePUB

Courses pelvic floor

  • Do you want to understand the function och the pelvic floor muscles and practice in the right way?
  • Do you want to strengthen your self-esteem, grounding and presence in the body?
  • Create a stable base where life energy and desire can flow?
  • Do you want to get a better posture and get rid of back problems?
  • Have you lost touch with your genitals and pelvic floor?

Treatment pelvic floor

  • Do you want to relax deeper, feel more and increase your presence throughout your body?
  • Are you unsure of your pelvic floor status?
  • Do you often have a unrinary tract infection?
  • Cronic pelvic floor pain?
  • Pain during intercource? Pre-mature ejaculation?
  • Do you want to release tension in the pelvic floor area?

Sexual health with Tao

      • Do you want more power and life energy?
      • Do you feel that there is more to explore when it comes to pleasure?
      • Do you want to be able to use your sexual energy for well-being and health?
      • Do you want to strengthen the contact with your glands and balace the hormonal system?
      • Learn more about your sexual potential, your erotic zones and flows?


About Irene Andersson

Irene Andersson is an experienced workshopleader and body coach with over 25 years of exploring different body work and alternative methods. This has lead to a unique combination of knowledge and tools. Her speciality is Taoist sexual practice and she has helped many people to expand their sexual potential. She is teaching Qigong since 1998 and fokus a lot on posture, inner power and teach you how to circulate your life force energy and balance your body. She is educated in many different theraphy and treatment forms and has since many years focused on the pelvic floor and sexual health with Tao. She combines western science with wisdom from eastern traditions with a holistic view. Irene is known for her warm and empathetic manner and is passionate about sharing her knowledge of our bodies and erotic potential. The source of both health and pleasure is within us. She has gathered her insights in the books “Create Health with Your Sexual Energy: The Tao Approach for Women´s Well-Being” and “Create Health with Your Sexual Energy: The Tao Approach for Men´s Well-Being”.

” My respect and belief in the body and mind´s own power and self-healing ability has only been strengthened over the years and I see it as my task to help create space for that power to work”

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Contact me

Contact me if you have any questions about treatment or courses.
Mail: info@bodycoach.nu 

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I also offer facilitation/teaching/coaching online.

Feedback, tips and news is greatfully recieved!

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