Create Health With Your Sexual Energy
Those books are about how you can embrace your sexual energy
and use this amazing creational power to generate well-being and a healthy body.
”The source of both health and pleasure is actually already present within you”

The Tao Approach to Women´s Well-Being
You will get a deeper understanding of the health benefits of a sexuality that is utilized for well-being and not solely for pleasure. To do this you go inside yourself, aided by self-empowering practices that guide you towards accessing the wisdom of the body and finding ways to achieve emotional balance. On the way there, you will get to know your feminine essence and learn important female genital anatomy and the sexual fluids of the body, including female ejaculation. According to the Tao, sexual energy is also linked to creativity and the ability to fulfill your heart’s desires and purpose. The Taoist theory of awareness and cultivation of your life energy and sexual energy is the basis for the practices in this book.
I wish you a journey full of pleasure!
You Will Learn About:
Taoism and Sexual Qigong
Female Genital Anatomy
Female Prostate
Orgasm and Ejaculation
Pelvic Floor Awareness
Menopause and Hormones
25 Informative Color Illustrations
15 Taoist Practices
The Tao Approach to Men´s Well-Being
You will get a deeper understanding of the health benefits of a sexuality that is utilized for well-being and not solely for pleasure. To do this, you go inside yourself, aided by self-empowering practices that guide you towards your deepest loving nature and finding ways to achieve emotional balance. On the way there, you will get to know your masculine essence and extend your ability for sexual pleasure. According to the Tao, sexual energy is also linked to creativity and the ability to fulfill your heart’s desires and purpose. The Taoist theory of awareness and cultivation of your life energy and sexual energy is the basis for the practices in this book.
I wish you a journey full of pleasure!
You Will Learn About:
Taoism and Sexual Qigong
Male Genital Anatomy
Orgasm versus Ejaculation
Various Orgasmic Expressions
Andropause, Testosterone and Prostate
Pelvic Floor Awareness
25 Informative Color Illustrations
15 Taoist Practices

In the books Irene Andersson describes how you can get access to your internal resources and thus live a more richer and happier life where you take responsibility for your own sexuality and pleasure. Your lust belongs to your life force and how you are with your sexuality affects both health and well-being.
“Try to imagine how you would choose a partner if your attraction was not governed by more or less unsatisfied erotic cravings and subconscious emotional needs. That does not mean that lust isn’t there, but that it’s more intentional and closer connected to the real wish and desires of your heart”.
“A woman who unilaterally searches to be close without the ability of sexual dedication, is as half and incomplete as a man only seeking for ejaculation and orgasm, without the ability of emotional connection”.
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Forward by Deborah Sundahl, June, 2020
Create Health with Your Sexual Energy
A Tao Approach to Women´s Well-Being
Recent discoveries in Neuroscience have ushered in a new era of how to view our health, how we approach our health and how we maintain our health, including our approach to disease. We now know that our emotions affect changes in the very molecules of our body, which in turn cause changes to our health. The state of our internal environment from the food we eat, the physical movements we make each day, the emotions we feel and the thoughts we think can actually turn gene markers on and off. The control of our health is in our own hands on a daily basis.
Rather than depend on external sources to interpret our health and produce products to care for our bodies, this new approach to health relies on our internal resources. To help us pivot from outward reliance to inner reserves, Irene Andersson translated from Swedish her modern health and sexuality manual for women which uses the framework of Taoist theory. The energetic use of sexuality is the key component for Taoism’s very personal approach to understanding at a deeper level one’s health, and how to maintain its balance, and therefore its integrity, over one’s lifetime.
To do this, Irene guides you inside your body (not outside) through practices that access the wisdom of the body, like finding ways to recognize and connect with your body’s emotional inner balance system. You learn correct and important female genital anatomy that is rarely taught to us in the western world, and you discover these truths in your very own lovely vulva, such as the new science on the female prostate. Orgasm and the sexual fluids secreted by the erotic body have fascinating health benefits, including the new discovery of female ejaculation.
If that isn’t enough, Irene shares her painstaking research and her unique, practical approach to making friends with our pelvic floor. Through hands-on practices, we learn in our own body what it means to bring back into our awareness this foundation of our physical, emotional, and spiritual center of the body. The pelvic floor muscles’ natural state of being is a creative wellspring and a fount intuitive reasoning – a veritable bowl of self-confidence and happiness when aligned. Irene Andersson’s unique approach of inner awareness to understand pelvic floor pain and repair equilibrium to its muscles and nerves offers a fresh and empowering alternative to restoring pelvic floor wellness versus employing outer intervention.
Sexual energy is the rocket fuel for building the cornerstones of inner generated health. Fortunately, the past 50 years have seen major changes in lifting sexuality out of its cultural taboo, religious shame state and banishment from every corner of life. Rescued only recently by psychology and sexology scientists, and advocated by sex therapists, counselors and educators, we know now that 90% of sexuality problems are not medical issues but only a lack of access to sexuality information and resources, support and validation, and skill-building.
While porn today has far too great an influence on our high school and college dating behavior, and adult lovemaking beds, individuals who can look under the covers of the dominate society have discovered a beautiful world of adult sex education and its supporting sexology science and psychology framework. It is this very influential world of which I refer and to which Irene Andersson has added another groundbreaking sexuality book.
Create Health with Your Sexual Energy: A Taoist Approach to Women’s Well-Being shows us how to treat our body and understand our body as a biological and not mechanical mechanism, and in the doing create amazing health benefits, along with a deeper understanding of a sexuality that is utilized for health and well-being and not solely for pleasure.
Deborah Sundahl, Author, Female Ejaculation and The G-Spot, Seminar Speaker and Workshop Teacher
Praise for ”Create Health with Your Sexual Energy”
“The Taoist alchemical spiritual tradition is closest to my heart. It’s been my experience over the last 35 years of personal practice that each of us will never embody our true spirituality without first embracing and making conscious our sexual energy. Every human being who is born on this planet will have to navigate this journey. Some will do it unconsciously with much frustration and pain, and others will be blessed to find a modern Taoist alchemist who can clarify and simplify the terrain in everyday language.
I highly recommend these books written by someone who has taken this journey herself and made it her life’s mission to educate women and men about the miraculous creative power of the universe contained in the egg and the sperm. When you put into practice what is contained in this book you will discover radiant health and longevity, a calm balanced emotional body. Ultimately, you will release your fear of death, and discover the eternal peace and bliss of your androgynous Soul.”
Andrew Kenneth Fretwell,
Founder of worldwide community
Finally a book for men! Very important information about the man’s sexuality, prostate, pelvic oor and more. And I really appreciate the exercises, very useful and effective. Thank’s!
Mikael, 35, Data technician
Oh, how I‘ve been looking for a book like this! Many teachings describe the path between the brain and the heart as the longest and most difficult. Th is book also take you from the root to the heart. A way for the brave!
Stefan, 59, Senior Adviser
Thank you for this wonderful book! I find myself in a constant rush of happiness and a wonderful awakening. I enjoy the power of my natural abilities. Your book opened me to my feelings and has opened new doors…where the hinges have flown away!
Monica, 54, Teacher
I really like this book, it is very soft and beautiful. I read it every now and then, and it makes me happy every time, because of all the details, references and new approaches you present in an educational and easily understandable way. You make what can be difficult and complex to grasp accessible to everyone.
Ann, 36, Musician